Our Design Approach
Since the architecture of every building is different, every building needs to be approached openly in regard to the HVAC systems. Many system options must be considered and analyzed in order to reach the optimal balanced approach to building HVAC. Things that must be balanced include operating costs, maintenance costs, efficiencies, sustainability, air quality and Owner specific requirements. It is through a true balance along with experienced engineering of the systems that a quality solution is achieved.
Systems we have employed include high efficiency boilers, wood fired boilers, variable air volume systems, geothermal heat pump, ventilation air heat recovery, decoupled ventilation with terminal heating/cooling, displacement ventilation, heat recovery chillers, variable speed pumping and innovative control strategies. All are viable HVAC solutions with their own advantages. Our buildings consistently exceed national energy efficiency standards, often by 35% or more. When analyzed using the LEED® rating system our buildings consistently score in the silver and gold categories and even the highest honor: platinum.
High quality solutions require a team of experienced engineers and architects working together to bring a balanced approach to the design process. This has been our approach since 1953 and it continues today.

A successful building requires thoughtful communication with owners, occupants, architects, trades, suppliers, plan reviewers and all interested persons. We are proud of the quality of our proposals, documents, plans and drawings. They are the true foundation of a quality project.